Information Calculated Fields

    Information calculated fields are meant to be used to test the value of a selected field. They are particularly useful with large spreadsheets because you can check what type of information you are working with before performing a second calculation.

    The functions included in the information category are:

    Function Name Syntax and Sample
    empty: empty can be used to insert a column with empty cells. There are no arguments to configure. Syntax: empty()
    Sample: empty()
    isempty: isempty evaluates the specified expression, and checks if any row in your data source has empty values. Syntax: isempty({value})
    Sample: isempty([ResignedDate])


    Unlike empty, isempty will check the field you select and check every row in your datasheet. If there are no values in a row, the output will be 1; if there are values, you will see 0.


    Function Name Syntax Sample
    isempty isempty({value}) isempty([ResignedDate])

    Let's look at four lines in the HR Dataset 2016.xlsx spreadsheet.

    EmployeeID FullName …​ Resigned Date …​ Calculated Field
    1.00 Joan Baez …​ …​ 1.00
    4.00 Zurcher Reid …​ 28-Dec-2016 …​ 0.00
    22.00 Zornes Hall …​ …​ 1.00
    35.00 Zdiarski Campbell …​ 09-Apr-2016 …​ 0.00