Pivot Table

    The Pivot Table visualization allows users to aggregate information by dropping fields in the corresponding placeholders of the Data sections.

    Pivot Table Visualization

    When a field is added to the rows, columns, or values data editor placeholders, selecting the field displays the summarized settings of that field:

    • For the fields in the Values placeholder, this means the ability to configure the summarization function used (average, count, sum, etc.).

    • For date fields dropped in the Rows placeholder, it means the ability to choose the level of detail in the summarization (day, month, year).

    What is a Pivot Table?

    A Pivot Table is a data summarization tool, which among other functions allows you to automatically count, average and total the data stored in a table like format, typically grouped by values. For instance if you have the following table:

    Salesman Region Product OrderID OrderTotal
    JOHN A. Americas ProductX 1001 10
    ERICK B. Americas ProductY 1002 20
    PETE C. EMEA ProductX 1003 30
    DAVID D. China ProductZ 1004 10
    JORGE E. Australia ProductY 1005 5

    And you need to do the following type of analysis:

    Americas EMEA China Australia Total
    PRODUCTX 10 30 40
    PRODUCTY 20 5 25
    PRODUCTZ 10 10

    You can achieve it by using a Pivot Table where:

    • The Product field is dragged and dropped in the Rows placeholder so that all products are listed as rows.

    • The Region field is dragged and dropped in the Columns placeholder so that columns are created in a dynamic table for every value in the Region field.