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content calendar template

What Is Included in the Content Calendar Template?

Slingshot’s content calendar template is pre-populated with tasks, dashboards, discussions, and pins, to speed up your content’s creation and distribution efforts.


Get a head start with a clear and organized view of everything related to the preparation and publishing of your content. The content calendar template contains tasks presented in a calendar view by default. Utilize our pre-built tasks to gain a clear understanding of task organization and management before customizing your own within the template.

The task tab in your template is where you can plan every detail for your content campaigns – product pages, blog posts, social media posts, campaigns, and more. Pin keyword and competitor research, attach briefs directly in the task, as well as tag people to review, approve, and discuss any changes that might be necessary. This is the backbone for managing your content creation and management efficiently.

Here’s how teams can use tasks effectively :

  • Content Ideation and Planning: Plan the content initiatives and easily manage them in projects, setting tasks with start and due dates, priority, and clear ownership. Teams work with visibility which allows for effective resource planning and prioritization.
  • Content Creation: Cover all the various stages, from drafting initial content to polishing and finalizing it. Use tasks to streamline this process, allowing the whole team to focus on their tasks without getting overwhelmed by the entire content production cycle.
  • Content Promotion: Add tasks related to content promotion and make them part of the overall process — social media posts, email promotion, and outreach to 3rd party websites.

Why Calendar View

The content calendar template is automatically displayed in calendar view, offering various customization options such as month, week, and day views to personalize how you visualize your tasks. calendar view provides a great visual representation of scheduled tasks so team members can quickly grasp upcoming projects, new priorities, and deadlines. The calendar view will give you a holistic overview of the content calendar, allowing for quick adjustments with drag-and-drop functionality that allows you to plan and adjust dates based on resources and changing priorities.

Managing your content is not limited to just calendar view. Change between kanban, timeline, and list views to see what fits your use case best. A tip: the list view is useful when you have tasks with multiple sub-tasks and want to clearly see the different elements of the tasks and how they spread throughout time.


The content calendar comes with three dashboard templates , so you can visualize and use your data instantly. All you need to do is connect to your GA4 account/property and within seconds you will have an insightful dashboard ready to analyze. Note: You need to have a viewer or higher permission level in GA4 to see the data.

The dashboards in this template are:

  • GA4 Organic Website Performance
  • GA4 Landing Page
  • GA4 Website Traffic

Integrating GA4 data into the content calendar template ensures alignment between content creation activities and measuring results. You can instantly access and view important data related to content performance, landing page metrics, and overall website traffic. You can see insights, patterns, and trends that inform your decision-making on tailored content creation, optimization, and strategy.

Team members from various departments, such as marketing, content creation, and analytics, can easily access and interpret the same set of metrics, fostering collaboration and alignment toward shared goals. Best part? It all happens with a few clicks.

GA4 Organic Website Performance Dashboard

The dashboard template for GA4 Organic Website Performance offers several advantages for marketers and website managers, displaying the following metrics:

Year-over-Year (YoY) and Month-over-Month (MoM) Comparison: Provides valuable insights into how organic website performance is evolving over time. You can identify long-term trends and seasonal variations, allowing them to adjust their content strategy accordingly.

Sessions and Bounce Rate: Quickly assess the number of visits to the website, while the bounce rate indicates the percentage of single-page sessions where users leave without interacting further. Visualizing these metrics together helps marketers understand both the quantity and quality of organic traffic, enabling them to optimize content.

Conversions by Event Name: You can easily assess the effectiveness of your content campaigns by measuring the performance in terms of primary business goals (sales, leads, registrations) or specific campaign goals (form submission, guide download, newsletter subscription). This can help to identify high-performing content or user actions to replicate successful strategies elsewhere or to make improvements where needed.

Sessions by Landing Page: Visualizing sessions by landing page helps identify top-performing pages, analyze visitor behavior, and optimize underperforming pages to enhance conversion rates.

Conversions by Landing Page: This visualization allows you to drill down to see which landing pages are driving conversions. You can also expand the dashboard and filter by a specific goal (sales, download, etc.).

Sessions by Country: This visualization helps you identify performance in key international markets, tailor content to regional preferences, and localize marketing efforts to maximize engagement and conversions.

Sessions by Source: In the context of organic performance, sessions by source refer to search engines that drive traffic to the site (Google, Bing, or another). Visualizing sessions by source helps users allocate resources effectively, prioritize high-performing search engines, and optimize content accordingly.

Sessions by User Type: Identify opportunities to personalize content, improve user retention, and drive repeat visits to the website.

Pro Tip: Use this dashboard if the main goal of the content campaign is to drive traffic from search engines.

GA4 Website Traffic Dashboard

Visualizations in this dashboard enable quick identification of trends, strengths, and areas for improvement, facilitating data-driven decision-making and targeted optimization efforts, by gaining valuable insights into website performance and user behavior.

Sessions: Individual visits to the website – you get an overview of website traffic volume and can easily understand the overall level of user engagement over a specific period.

Pageviews: The total number of pages viewed by visitors during their sessions, to assess the level of user interaction with the website’s content and navigation paths.

Pageviews and Sessions: Displaying pageviews and sessions together allows for a comparative analysis of user behavior and how session volume changes correlate with pageviews changes.

Pageviews by Country (Last 30 Days): Analyzing pageviews by country over the last 30 days helps identify geographic regions driving significant website traffic. This information is valuable for targeting international audiences, localizing content, and tailoring marketing strategies to specific regions.

Pageviews by Medium (Last 30 Days): How users accessed the website (e.g., organic search, direct traffic, referral, social media – helping evaluate the effectiveness of different traffic channels in driving pageviews and identify areas for improvement or optimization.

Pageviews by Medium: By analyzing pageviews by medium, you can understand the relative contribution of each traffic source to overall website engagement and identify opportunities to optimize channel-specific strategies for better results.


The pins section of the template serves as a central hub for critical documents, ensuring effortless accessibility for all team members. Here, you can securely pin any essential resources, from brand guidelines and creative assets to tutorials and external reading materials. To get you started, our team of experts has handpicked a collection of learning resources and a variety of free and paid tools explicitly tailored for content marketers and copywriters.


The pins section of the template serves as a central hub for critical documents, ensuring effortless accessibility for all team members. Here, you can securely pin any essential resources, from brand guidelines and creative assets to tutorials and external reading materials. To get you started, our team of experts has handpicked a collection of learning resources and a variety of free and paid tools explicitly tailored for content marketers and copywriters.

In this template, you get a head start with five ready-made example discussions to inspire you to engage with your team in the best way. Be sure to add your own and use them to drive conversations, share important documents and research, and @ mention people to get their attention.

Boost Team Results with Ready-to-Use Templates

Explore our collection of ready-to-use templates, carefully crafted to cater to the needs of multiple use cases and departments. Save time and effort by trying out the template that suits your workflow best. It only takes a few clicks to get started.

Coordinate Your Content Production with Ease

The best way to plan and organize your content and track its performance across channels and campaigns.

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