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Top 35 Marketing KPIs That You Should be Tracking

Top 35 Marketing KPIs That You Should be Tracking

In this article, we’ve gathered the top 35 marketing KPIs that everyone should track in order to understand and analyze the results of their marketing campaigns.  

23 min read

Knowing what KPIs to measure to evaluate the performance of your marketing efforts is essential to ensuring that your marketing campaigns achieve their goals.

Creating a powerful marketing strategy and setting up influential and effective marketing campaigns is the key to driving more revenue and overall business growth.  

But with so many marketing KPIs that could be tracked, how can you choose which are the ones that you should focus on? 

Many marketers and business owners focus on the most popular marketing KPIs such as cost per lead, conversion rate, and traffic.

These are all important KPIs to be tracked but to have a more successful marketing strategy, you should be tracking a lot more than that.  

In this article, we’ve gathered the top 35 marketing KPIs that everyone should track in order to understand and analyze the results of their marketing campaigns.  

What Are KPIs in Marketing?

Marketing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are measurable values that marketers use to track the progress of their marketing campaigns towards the goals they have set across the different marketing channels.  

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The Most Important KPIs to Track

Whether that is email marketing, social media marketing, or b2b marketing, these are the most important KPIs that you should track and pay very close attention to:  

1. Sales Growth

There is no surprise that sales growth is seen as one of, if not, the most important KPIs for marketing managers and businesses in general. Sales growth is what any business owners strive for, what investors care about, and what employees are working hard towards. It measures the rate at which a company has been growing its revenue from sales over a specific period.  

If you aren’t currently measuring your sales growth, then we recommend you start now. Not only does it allow identification of growth trends, but it also allows you to set and forecast realistic sales and revenue goals.  

2. Leads

You don’t have to be a quantum physicist to understand the value of leads. It’s simple: the more leads you get, the more sales opportunities you have, and therefore, your sales growth chances increase.  

The number and the quality of leads are the two most important marketing KPIs in lead generation. For example, if your business produces SaaS and offers new customers a free trial, then the number of prospects that see or click on your lead magnet will be the number of overall leads that you have generated, while the number of quality leads is the number of prospects that are likely to become paying customers. Or, in this example, the lead quality could be measured by how many people have signed up for trial.  

You can see that in lead generation the quality is more important than quantity.  

3. Return on Investment (ROI)

The ROI is one of the most tracked marketing KPIs, so if you haven’t tracked it so far, you better start right now. It helps you figure out if the amount of money you spend on marketing activities is worth the amount of money you earn in sales.  

Keeping track of your marketing ROI will make it easier for you to justify marketing budgets, calculate marketing efficiency and ultimately help you plan future marketing strategies.  

4. Lifetime Value of a Customer (LTV)

How much is each customer worth to your business? This marketing KPI measures the total amount of revenue a business can expect to make from a single customer. The amount that you’ll come up with is approximate, but it’s good to have an idea. It also helps determine how much to spend on marketing activities and is a fantastic way to strategize future business goals. 

5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

The customer acquisition cost KPI is a key business metric that refers to the total marketing and sales resources needed for a company to acquire new customers. It’s often used alongside the customer lifetime value metric to measure value generated by a new customer. 

6. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is one of the top marketing KPIs for marketing managers as it indicates how effective your marketing campaign is and determines your ROI. It measures the percentage of users who have completed your desired action, such as getting your email subscribers click on a link in your email leading to a landing page where the subscribers will fill out a lead form.  

Another example is the percentage of people that completed the desired action that your PPC ad campaign was aiming for (making a purchase, submitting a form, registering for your website, etc.). 

Simply put, the conversion rate helps you find out how good your marketing efforts are in getting people to do what you want them to do. The higher your conversion rate is, the better your campaign is. 

the most important marketing kpis to track

Email Marketing KPIs

Creating a powerful email marketing strategy can have a significant impact on your overall marketing strategy success and business growth. It’s one of the most successful and effective ways to advertise your business, increase brand awareness, and generate conversations and sales. 

Here are the top email marketing KPIs to measure the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and whether they hit your desired business goals:  

7. Open Rate

Your email open rate is one of the most important metrics to keep track of. It is one of the best ways to tell whether your email marketing strategy is working by showing you the percentage of your audience that opens the emails you are sending them. There are a couple of factors that can affect your open rates such as the subject line and the sender’s name.  

8. Click-Through-Rate

The goal of almost every marketing email is to get the subscribers to act – click on a link that it’s inside the email that often leads to a landing page where the subscribers can buy a product or service or drive traffic to your website.  

So, when it comes down to measuring the effectiveness of your email marketing strategy, the click-through rate is a metric that email marketers should keep their eyes on. It shows the percentage of email recipients who clicked on a link inside your email.  

9. Click-to-Open Rate

The click-to-open rate determines whether your content resonates with your recipients and indicates how effective the email campaign performed in compelling the recipient to take action. It measures the percentage of recipients who opened your email and clicked on the link inside it.  

10. Unsubscribe Rate

The unsubscribe rate is the percentage of your email subscribers who decided that they don’t want to receive emails from you any longer.  

email marketing kpis to measure the success of your email marketing campaigns

Content Marketing KPIs

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focusing on creating, publishing, and distributing free, valuable, and relevant content such as blog posts, white papers, case studies, e-books, infographics, etc. to attract targeted audience in the digital space.  

Businesses are leveraging the power of content marketing to attract attention to their brand, generate leads, increase brand awareness and credibility, establish an online community, and ultimately increase their online sales.  

Struggling to measure the performance and effectiveness of your content marketing campaigns? These are the top content marketing KPIs that you should track:  

11. Traffic

As Katie Weedman of THAT Agency says: ‘’ All marketers should be tracking website traffic. It’s the foundation of content marketing success, as without traffic there’s no revenue’’.  

If no one sees your content it doesn’t matter how good your content is, so measuring the traffic your content receives is an obvious place to start when measuring the performance of your overall content marketing strategy. You can easily find information about how many unique page visits you get on your pages in Google Analytics.  

12. Search and Keyword Ranking

The higher your website ranks for certain keywords, the more traffic you’ll get. The first page of Google results gets between 71-92% of all traffic, while most people rarely go to the second page. That is why it is important to keep track of your search and keyword rankings. Also, the position of your content in the SERPs directly correlates to your SEO management efforts and success.  

Keep in mind that sometimes your content will rank for your chosen keywords, but sometimes it might rank for keywords that are different from those you wanted to rank for. In both cases, you should monitor how your keywords are performing in the search results, as well as how your positions in the search results are changing for the same keywords. You can do this with tools such as Moz, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and more.  

13. Time on Page

This content marketing KPI is of great importance. Getting tons of traffic is awesome, but if people don’t stay long enough on your page to read your article or engage with your content, then it really doesn’t matter how many people visit your website. 

Tracking visitors’ time on pages is vital also because it indicates who’s really interested in your content, who isn’t, and whether it is effective. Let’s say that you have published a 5, 000-word blog article on dieting. Your article might get 25, 000 unique visits, but if people only spend 10-20 seconds browsing that article, then that tells you that either they are not interested in this topic, or that your content isn’t effective and couldn’t grab people’s attention. The second scenario is more likely as since people landed on your page, they must have looked for what you have written about.  

To improve your time on page KPI, you should try shortening the article or write a new, compelling intro to it that will make visitors want to read the entire blog.  

14. CTR of Internal Links

Internal links are hyperlinks on a web page to another page on the same website. This could be a demo page link into a blog article or contact us page link on the about us page. Here’s an example: 

‘’To learn more about Slingshot and the value it can bring to your organization, contact our sales team’’.  

So, if your content includes internal links to sign up for a free trial, make a purchase, etc., it is important to track the click-through-rate (CTR) on these pages. The higher your CTR of internal links is, the more people you get to start a free trial or make a purchase of your product / service.  

15. Bounce Rate

You should strive to have a bounce rate as low as possible. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to your website that leaves within a few seconds after landing on it.  

If you have a high bounce rate that means that you’re doing something wrong:  

  • Your website might load slowly  
  • Your website might not be easy to navigate  
  • Your website might show a lot of ads on its pages that put off visitors away  
  • Your content doesn’t match the title or the description it has in the SERPs  
  • Your website is not mobile-friendly 

If you have a high bounce rate, make sure to find out what’s driving visitors away and improve it. 

16. Social Shares

The more social shares you get, the more people you’ll reach. Making your content easily sharable on different social media channels is crucial. With only a few social shares, your content could go viral driving new leads to your website, as well as growing your social media follower’s base.  


Receiving comments on your web pages is a success. Comments indicate that your content sparks a conversation and engages the readers to act and helps publicity. Even if people leave critical comments, embrace it, and use it as feedback to improve your content and marketing. Don’t forget to respond to these comments, too. If you leave critical comments unanswered that is viewed as bad for your brand reputation.  

the most important content marketing kpis

Social Media Marketing KPIs

Nowadays, everyone is on social media – your customers, your potential customer, your competitors, even perhaps your grandmother, too. For that reason, social media is a must-have marketing channel for every business. It is the place where you can reach your targeted audience and ensure that your brand voice is heard. Billions of people are active on social media and these numbers are only expected to grow, so if you want to be the first thing that people see when they wake up or before going to bed, make sure to improve your social media presence.  

How to find out if you’re doing it right? These social media marketing KPIs will help you measure the success of your social activities: 

18. Page Likes & Followers

Typically, the most obvious sign that your social media marketing campaigns are effective, and working is the increase in the number of page likes and followers. Getting an increase in followers means that more and more people are getting attracted to your brand and want to receive your posts and updates in their newsfeed.  

However, having a million followers base that is not engaging with your content is worthless. The total amount of followers you have is only the number of people that could potentially see your posts. Generally, it is better to have 1, 000 followers who actively engage with your content than having 1 million followers that never like, comment, or share your content.  

19. Engagement (likes + comments + shares)

Following what we have said in the previous social media marketing KPI, engagement is the single most important KPI that you should be focusing on when it comes down to social media marketing.  

Engagement in social media measures the number of likes, comments, and shares that your social media posts receive.  

Most social media platforms algorithms work like that: the more likes, comments, and shares your social media posts have, the more attention it will get. Instagram, for example, currently pays more attention to post saving and sharing rather than comments and likes, but they still play a vital role.  

PS: If you’re planning to work with Instagram influencers to promote your product or service, you can use this calculator to calculate their account engagement rate and how much to pay them depending on that factor.  

20. Reach

This social media KPI measures the total number of unique accounts that were exposed and have seen your social media post. Having a broader reach is great for brand awareness, but you should aim not only to reach a lot of people with your posts but make them engage with it.  

21. Impressions

Impressions, on the other hand, measure the total number of how many times your post showed up in someone’s feed. That, however, doesn’t mean that this person necessarily has looked at your post, it means that they had a chance to.  

22. Mentions

Tags or mentions of your brand show that people are talking about you regardless of if your brand is active on that social media channel or not. Being mentioned and tagged by people creates a greater awareness of your brand, plus there’s no better advocate of your business than your customers that make a free advertisement of your product/service that way. 

social media marketing KPIs to track the performance of your social networks

Product Marketing KPIs

The primary goal of product marketing is taking a product or a service to the market by building a Go-To-Market strategy. Nowadays, product marketing has become more data-driven than ever before, and thus it is easier than ever before to track its performance and whether your strategy stays on track.  

Based on the different priorities of businesses, these are a few of the main product marketing KPIs that you should be measuring:  

23. Trail and Demo Signups

It is important to know the number of trial and demo signups you have over a certain period because this helps you determine if your content and ads are effective and speaking to your targeted audience.  

If you think that you don’t have enough signups and you’re not hitting your goals, then consider improving your marketing messages by addressing the right pain points and highlighting the value of your product for customers. The UI of your sign-up page might also need improvements, too.  

24. Product Usage

Perhaps the most obvious product marketing KPI that you should be tracking to measure the effectiveness of your strategy is product usage. It’s directly connected with your product marketing efforts and it’s the one metric that can boost your revenue.  

When you understand how consumers use your product, when they are using it and why, you can determine how to improve your retention rate, as well as where the upsell/cross-sell opportunities are. Without this knowledge, these things become impossible.  

25. Net Promoter Score (NPS)

‘’How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend on the scale of 1-10?’’ – that is all that it takes to measure your Net Promoter Score, a simple question.  

The results of your Net Promoter Score survey help your product roadmap team discover what can be improved so that consumers get a better experience and are more likely to recommend your product in the future.  

If you’re getting a high Net Promoter Score that means that you’re on the right track and do things as you should. The people that answered the survey with 9-10 are your product promoters and could be very beneficial to your business. When consumers are likely to recommend your product and they do that, that can bring plenty of new leads to your business.  

26. Feature Engagement and Adoption

What else you should keep track of is your consumers’ engagement with your product’s features. This helps you understand what your consumers value and guide your product development efforts. 

essential product marketing kpis that you should be tracking

B2B Marketing KPIs

Measuring the performance of your B2B marketing strategy should be a top priority. Finding leads, nurturing them, and convincing them to buy your product/service doesn’t happen overnight. That is why it is highly important to be tracking proper B2B marketing KPIs that will help you learn more about your B2B marketing performance and let you improve it for your current and future campaigns. Here’s what you should pay attention to:  

27. Cost per Lead

As we mention at the beginning of our article, the number and the quality of leads are the two most important marketing KPIs in lead generation. And since leads are of significant importance, then one of the most important things related to them is evaluating how much it costs to obtain each lead. Track this KPI across different marketing channels and you can see how effective each one of these channels is at delivering potential customers to your business.  

28. Landing Page Conversion Rate

The purpose of every landing page is to compel visitors to act such as downloading a white paper, subscribe to a newsletter, sign up for a free trial, fill out a form, register for a webinar, etc. You can set up landing page conversion goals and measure the number and the quality of leads that each landing page generates.  

Then, if you spot that your landing page conversion rate is low, you’ll know that you need to improve the content and the design of the landing page. Here are some tips:  

  • Create landing page content that aligns directly with the traffic source  
  • Improve page speed  
  • Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly 
  • Use clear and specific CTAs 
  • Make the CTA buttons stand out  
  • Add a sense of urgency into your copy  

29. Sales Pipeline Velocity

Sales velocity is a fundamental B2B marketing KPI that measures the speed at which you’re making money. The sales pipeline velocity shows how quickly leads are moving through your pipeline and how much value customers provide for your business over a given period. The faster the leads are moving, the faster you can close more deals.  

30. Sales Close Rate

The sales close rate measures how a salesperson is performing in closing deals. You can easily calculate that by dividing the number of closed deals by the number of lead opportunities the salesperson had during a given period.  

31. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction determines how happy your customers are with your services. The higher your customer satisfaction score is the better.  

Customer satisfaction should be a #1 priority for every company as the more unsatisfied customer you have, the more money you’ll lose. And no business wants that. If your customers are satisfied with your services, then your business will glow and grow, but if they aren’t then you’ll see the rest of your marketing and business KPIs decreasing.  

But how do you measure customer satisfaction? Simply ask.  

Like with Net Promoter Score, you can create a survey for your customers in which you ask them for their feedback. 

essential b2b marketing kpis that you should be tracking


In PPC, KPIs are performance metrics that measure the success of your paid advertising campaign. They let you track the performance of your paid ads and improve them in real-time.  

Your PPC KPIs should be closely tied to the goals of your campaign. For example, if the goal of your PPC campaign is to drive more demo sign-ups via the website form, the most important KPI that you should track in this instance is your demo sign-up conversion rate.  

Here are the other PPC KPIs to track to make sure that your ads are effective:  

32. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

The ROAS is a marketing KPI measuring the revenue you generate for your business for each dollar spent on advertising or otherwise said the ROAS shows you whether a PPC campaign is paying off.  

33. Cost per Click (CPC)

The CPC measures the actual price that you pay for each click on your ads. For example, some industries and keywords cost more than others, so it’s important to do your research prior to setting up your PPC campaign, so you get an idea of what to expect to pay per click.  

According to 2019 Wordstream data, the global average Cost Per Click is $2.69 for search and $0.63 for display advertising. 

34. Click-Through-Rate (CTR)

The CTR measures the number of users that click on your ads. Set a goal to have a higher CTR than the industry standard. CTR ensures that the message and the journey for your prospects from your ads to the landing page are optimized.  

35. Quality Score

The quality score KPI was created by Google to know the quality and relevance of your ad content. ‘’Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions.’’ – Google Ads.  

To improve your quality score, make your ads more relevant to the keyword that you are bidding on, make your landing page better by using a clear message that aligns with your ad copy, and work on improving your ads CTA. 

ppc marketing kpis to measure the success of your search campaigns

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Top 35 Marketing KPIs That You Should be Tracking

Wrapping It Up…

The overall goal of marketing is to acquire customers and increase the business’s revenue. Armed with these metrics, you’ll be able to validate everything you do as a marketer, every single campaign with which you deliver qualified leads to sales.  

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