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Creating the Perfect Sales Dashboard

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It’s no secret that your company’s success lives and dies on sales. Leads, opportunities, pipeline, forecasts, and data reports are what drives every CEO’s business decision.

But basing decisions on data can be complicated when you need to bring together all your CRM data and analyze it to guide better outcomes.

It becomes even more complicated when you need to share all important data insights across different departments and teams to make sure everyone is aligned around smarter, faster, data-driven decisions.

This webinar is built to guide you on how you can view it ALL in an impactful dashboard that tells the full story in one glance.

Access to find out:

  • What are the top KPIs you need to track within your sales teams
  • See a live demo of how you can connect directly to your CRM system and create beautiful dashboards in seconds
  • How you can connect to different sources to build dashboards that drive decision-making based on data

About the presenter

Casey Ciniello Casey Ciniello is the Senior Product Manager for Reveal and Slingshot at Infragistics, leveraging over ten years of expertise in product development and strategic market positioning. Holding a BA in Mathematics and an MBA, Casey combines her deep analytical skills with a robust business acumen to drive innovation and growth. At the helm of Reveal, an advanced embedded analytics platform, and Slingshot, a comprehensive data-driven work management tool, she has been pivotal in shaping their market strategies, enhancing product features, and leading cross-functional teams towards successful launches. Casey's leadership and forward-thinking approach have significantly contributed to solidifying Infragistics' presence in the tech industry, aligning product capabilities with customer needs and emerging market trends.

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