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Data Analytics for SEM: Measuring and Analyzing Performance Metrics

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In the ever-evolving landscape of SERPs, Search Engine Marketing professionals need to be on top of their game to enhance online visibility and drive conversions. Understanding the intricacies of SEM data and analyzing the insights in a comprehensive way is crucial for making the right decisions every time. SEO and SEM teams usually work in silos, focusing on their own initiatives and relying on the data from the tools they use daily.

Join our webinar, where we delve into the essentials of SEM data analytics.

Key takeaways include:

  • Learning how your SEO and PPC teams can work together, understand SEM performance metrics, and make decisions based on data.
  • Ways to improve campaign performance with data and use it as a roadmap to optimize your marketing strategies, refine your campaigns, reduce costs, enhance targeting precision, and achieve better results.
  • The effortless way to analyze data from multiple data sources (Google Ads, Google Analytics 4, Google Search Console) to identify trends and patterns through data visualizations.
  • The most effective way to report on performance to your management, team, or clients.

Join us in this live session that will equip you with the knowledge and tools to harness the full potential of data and drive unparalleled campaign success. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your SEM strategies and achieve measurable results!

About the presenter

Casey Ciniello Casey Ciniello is the Senior Product Manager for Reveal and Slingshot at Infragistics, leveraging over ten years of expertise in product development and strategic market positioning. Holding a BA in Mathematics and an MBA, Casey combines her deep analytical skills with a robust business acumen to drive innovation and growth. At the helm of Reveal, an advanced embedded analytics platform, and Slingshot, a comprehensive data-driven work management tool, she has been pivotal in shaping their market strategies, enhancing product features, and leading cross-functional teams towards successful launches. Casey's leadership and forward-thinking approach have significantly contributed to solidifying Infragistics' presence in the tech industry, aligning product capabilities with customer needs and emerging market trends.

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