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From Data to Dashboard – Turn Excel Into Action

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Data without visualizations is just a bunch of numbers. That’s right, we said it. You may (or may not) be able to draw meaningful insights from your messy Excel file, but can your team? Or your leadership?

That’s where dashboards come in – to make your data accessible and, more importantly, interesting!

In this webinar, we show you how you can pull data from your Excel documents to create simple and captivating dashboard visualizations, all with insights in one glance.


  • See how you can go from Excel to dashboard creation in Slingshot in just one click
  • Learn how to create impactful and insightful dashboards using your Excel data
  • Use annotations to share data and communicate with your teams
  • Go from dashboard insights to collaborative action in seconds

Time to upgrade the strong business capabilities of Excel with the power to analyze data with incorporated dashboards, driving actionable communication.

About the presenters

Casey Ciniello With a background in mathematics and an MBA, Casey brings a wealth of experience as well as a data analytics and business perspective to Infragistics. Casey is the Product Manager for Slingshot and was instrumental in product development, market analysis and the product's go-to-market strategy. She’s been at Infragistics since 2013 and when she’s not in the office, she enjoys playing soccer and attending concerts.

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