The Slingshot Blog
Get the latest trends in project management, team collaboration, data visualization and more. Here we share our knowledge, best advice, how-tos, research, insights, and more - all with the aim of helping you boost team results.

New Release: Enhanced Project Management Capabilities in Slingshot
We are excited to announce the latest enhancements to Slingshot’s project management capabilities, designed to help you track completion details and organize information more effectively. This release introduces new fields that will keep your team aligned and informed.

New Release: Custom Fields, Task Types & AI!
This release marks a significant milestone for us as we introduce custom fields, task types and AI features to transform the way you manage tasks and projects.

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Custom Templates and Calendar View
Created to suit your unique needs, making each project a breeze to manage, two incredible additions to Slingshot will boost your productivity journey and redefine your work experience. It's time to make every second count, starting right here.

Introducing Templates for Dashboards, Projects, and Workspaces
We know your time is important, so we aim to continuously enhance your experience with Slingshot by providing the tools you need to transform how you work and save you time.

Slingshot’s New Release is Here: Discover the Time-Saving New Features
Slingshot is continuing to develop with features that bring even more results, team alignment and time-saving way of working. Your productivity is our priority!

The Slingshot Experience Just Got Better with a New and Sweet Release
Stop the presses – the new Slingshot features you’ve been waiting for are here! As you know, we are constantly working on making Slingshot more fully rounded and competitive. We built this latest release around just this goal. We are showing the world – and you, that Slingshot is the ultimate digital workplace for any […]

Slingshot Adds Three Updates to Grow Your Team’s Productivity
Slingshot always keeps improving! Now it's time to take a look at three new updates that we added to our September release and are now ready to share with you. Read below how to improve your productivity even more with Slingshot!

Slingshot Boosts Your Team’s Experience: Say Hi to Groups
The feature Groups in Slingshot enables you to work faster by creating and using specific groups of people who share a common need or purpose or collaborate on the same project.

Slingshot Has Officially Launched: Join the Ride to Productivity
This long-awaited moment brings many exciting new features to the all-in-one digital workplace for great teams. Check them out in the video below!

Slingshot Adds More to the Table: Check Out Our New Amazing Features
Try the new features of Slingshot to get most of the app that takes teams from good to great!